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About the Product
The P36NG is an 8.0 Megapixel compact scouting camera, with a 40 foot range designed to capture wildlife activities. The P36NG is also designed with security in mind, and is a perfect option for those on a budget. Featuring 36 "NoGlo" LED's, this camera will not produce any visible illumination when it takes a picture or video. Whether you're chasing that wary old animal, protecting your home, or simply monitoring access to your property, the P36NG is perfect for all applications.
- **These camera's are Refurbished but have been each inspected by Stealth Cam and are 100% Functional and have a 90 Day Warranty**
- 8 MP
- Video recording 15 seconds
- 36 IR No Glow Emitters / 40ft range
- EZ Dial programming with Quick Set
- Burst Mode 1-6 images per triggering with 5-59 sec / 1- 59 min recovery time out
- External LCD display
Sizing Chart
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